Whistleblower Program Report Form

  1. Your Information
  2. Allegation(s)
  3. Other Actions
  4. Document Upload
  5. Certifications
  6. Summary

Part I - Your Information

Contact Information

Anonymous – I elect NOT to provide my name or other personal identifier.

Consent to Disclosure – I consent to have my identity disclosed to other city departments and appropriate governmental agencies other than the Whistleblower Program in order to further the investigation of this complaint.

Non-Consent to Disclosure - I do not consent to have my identity disclosed to other city departments or appropriate governmental agencies other than the Whistleblower Program although this may hinder the Program’s ability to investigate and appropriately address my complaint. I further understand that the Whistleblower Program may, in some cases, decide it appropriate to disclose my identity to another city department or appropriate governmental agency in the following situations, as permitted by city law: (i) To the extent necessary to conduct a civil or criminal investigation or take enforcement action (including discipline of employees and remedial action against contractors) and (ii) to refer the matter to another city department, officer, or employee to investigate and take enforcement or remedial action. (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, Sec. 4.123(c))